This diet is good for people who like to eat as much as they want. The cabbage soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry during the day, but it is only cabbage soup what you can eat in limitless amount. cabbage soup diet plan, This diet is a 7 day meal plan to lose weight fast . It is not a long-term weight loss solution, it is necessary at least two weaks in between. You can lose weight quickly if you will eat just cabbage soup. But it really too little for feels well. The New Cabbage Soup Diet is almost the same The Cabbage Soup Diet but you can add come food to change it up.
Ingredients of The Cabbage Soup:
1/2 head cabbage (500 g/ 18 oz)
2 green or red pepper (350 g/ 12 oz)
6 large green onions (150 g/ 5 oz)
3 carrots (150 g/ 5 oz)
1 or 2 diced tomatoes (150 g/ 5 oz)
green beans (280 g/ 10 oz)
1 bunch celery if you want
1 cube bouillon (optional) to taste
Season to taste with salt,pepper,parsley, garlic powder, etc.
12 cups of water (3 l/ 105 fl.oz)
Slice green onions, put in pot and start to saute with cooking spray.
Cut pepper stem end off and cut in half, take seeds and membrane out. Cut the pepper into bite size pieces and put in pot.
Take the outer leafs layers off the cabbage, cut into bite size pieces, put in pot.
Clean carrots cut into bite size pieces put in pot.
Slice green beans in thick slices. Put in pot.
If you would like a spicy soup, add a small amount of cayenne pepper (red pepper) now ( 1/3 teaspoon is quite a bit as the soup will get spicier as it cooks further).
You can use beef or chicken bouillon cubes for seasoning's they have all the salt and flavors you will need.
Use about 12 cups of water, cover and put heat on low. Let soup cook for a long time (a hour works well).
The idea is to eat as much cabbage soup as you like every day - enough to keep you full up. Plus specific additional foods on each day of the seven day diet. cabbage soup diet plan..No alcohol is allowed. Water are not limited and unsweetened fruit juice on days when fruit is allowed.
7 day plan in details for The New Cabbage Soup Diet:
This diet consists of 7 days. The base of every day is cabbage soup that can be eaten in limitless amount. But even this low calorie soup has some calories which must be take into account. Beside human body needs in fat and protein too, that is why every day must be balansed and contain carbs, protein and fat. For your convenience every day calories are calculated in order you to control your calorie intake. For weight loss you need to consume more calories than accumulate it. Look at the base of every day and every day in details.
Day 1: Cabbage soup, all the fruit you want except bananas. Drink unsweetened tea, fruit juices or water.
Day 2: Cabbage soup, all the low-calorie vegetables you want except potatoes.Drink unsweetened tea, vegetable juices or water.
Day 3: Cabbage soup and all the fruit you want except bananas. Drink unsweetened tea, fruit juices or water.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, two bananas, and 1 glass of cultured milk foods. Drink unsweetened tea or water.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, boiled or stewed beef. Drink unsweetened tea or water.
Day 6: Cabbage soup, boiled or stewed chiken. Drink unsweetened tea or water.
Day 7: Cabbage soup, two baked potatoes.Drink unsweetened tea, fruit juices or water
Is the Cabbage Soup Diet Healthy?
The ingredients of the cabbage soup are vegetables that are mostly healthy. Vegetables consist of fibre and largely water. Fibre give us full up feeling, oxygen which is in water helps to dissolve fat. Cabbage Soup Diet in this version is well-balansed besauce it contains protein, carb and fat. It really works, cabbage soup can dissolves fat in your body. Believe and try it. It is very effective. The main drawback of this diet are: preparing cabbage soup, gas appearing because of cabage. This diet is recommended for adult (not for pregnanat) with healthy gastrointestinal tract. You can lose 10-12 lbs in a week.
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