Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction Treatment
Marijuana, cannabis, drugs, chronic, marijuana, grass, Mary Jane, pot or what people call it, is a synthetic substance derived from the plant Cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Their colors and features vary according to where he grew up, but its color is green city. In late 1800 the use and sale of marijuana were regulated by a number of states and local governments in the United States. In 1906, several states controlled drug to be labeled as a poison. In 1920, the prohibition of drugs was inserted in the Constitution, and was subsequently repealed in 1930. Since then, the use of marijuana remains illegal in the United States.
The marijuana plant is intended as a psychoactive drug. Our ancestors used them as a recreational drug and is used for religious rituals. The use of marijuana is comparable to all other addictions, like alcohol, cigarettes, heroin and other drugs. Have negative effects on human health. Common side effects include memory loss, slow learning, poor concentration, loss of coordination, paranoia, emotional instability, lack of perception or judgment.
Many people who are addicted to marijuana its psychoactive effects are coupled due to the substance called THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main active component of marijuana. This substance is known to have a stimulant, depressant or hallucinogen. THC allows the brain to release dopamine, a chemical commonly known as pleasure, giving users a great euphoria. Euphoria is the main reason why people are getting hooked on marijuana.
Addiction to marijuana is considered a disease in many societies. Several groups of marijuana users considered outcasts. Therefore, decreases their confidence and morale themselves. Symptoms of addiction are loss of control over drugs and inability to leave, regardless of the strain. In addition to these symptoms, the urgent need to smoke marijuana is very common to marijuana addicts. Every time I have been unable to smoke, you feel depressed, anxious, unable to concentrate on other things and get angry easily.
According to research, the treatment of marijuana dependence is not easy. Experts believe that there are different medications for the treatment of this type of addiction. The treatment is a combination of detoxification, awareness of the negative effects of marijuana on the body, with the support of friends, family and love.
Detoxification - Experts believe that detoxification is essential therapy for the treatment of chronic marijuana users. Detoxification usually includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, increase your intake of water and some pills, detox. The detoxification program is the direct physical effects of marijuana. Rehabilitation by contrast, is a long radius so that the attacker is completely devoid of substance. The program's goal is changes in lifestyle.
Awareness - Many users are unaware of the negative effects of marijuana for their physical, psychological and social. Acquire knowledge about the harmful effects of chronic marijuana can help users to refrain from marijuana.
Moral support - As mentioned above, one reason why chronic users have difficulty stopping the drug and why relapses occur, is the lack of support from people around them. Users need understanding, love, patience and attention. Understanding will help to stop the drug.
Marijuana addiction affects many people in different walks of life. Although the use of marijuana is illegal in the United States, remains the illicit drug most abused in the most powerful country in the world. Apart from the United States, marijuana has been banned in many countries because of its many negative effects on humans. Despite the ban, abusers continue to grow. It does not eliminate the importance of disseminating information about marijuana and other drugs so that people do not use it out of curiosity.
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