Love, Lock Handle Autistic Children

Posted by Unknown on Monday, July 2, 2012

Affection and extra patience is an approach that is often overlooked in the education of autistic children in therapy clinics. Because of the efforts to form positive attitudes towards them tend to unconsciously nuanced violence, the children become traumatized, frightened in therapy, or parents who do not receive. "In fact, the formation of behavior impressed on educating children with autism as animal behavior. For example, ordered to sit with eyes bulging, yelling, screaming. Otherwise according disentil, dijewer, and other violent acts, "said child psychologist Psi Dra Hamida MSi in the seminar" Education Humanistic Approach Children with Autism "Autism Society of Indonesia held at the I National Congress of Autism Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday ( 3/5).

Autism is a neurobiological developmental disorder is severe or widespread, and can occur in children in the first three years of his life. Persons with autism have impaired communication, social interaction, and limited activities and interests and repetitive (repetitive). Symptoms, for example, children can not speak or late talking, talking in a language not understood, not making eye contact, do not want to play with peers.

There also are fond of doing repetitive activities without going to change, amazed at the parts of objects, such as happy to see the object rotates, the path on tiptoe, staring at the palm of the hand, and spinning. It made ​​such an autistic child living in his own world. Method is often applied to establish positive behaviors in children with autism, namely Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) or the method introduced bivavioristik Prof. Dr. Lovaas in the United States. The method aims to establish or reinforce positive behavior of children with autism and reduce negative behavior. However, the implementation is not infrequently the therapist to apply in ways that are relatively hard. "It is true should be firm and consistent. But it also must be patient, patient, and loving. Principle taught by feeling. ABA method is not really hard like that. With more humane approach, we can establish positive behaviors in children with autism, "said Hamida.

According to him, what the therapist taught parents should be continued at home. Without the role that parents can avail. "The time at most only four hours of therapy. Rest parental diligence and patience is very important for the healing and development of the child," said Hamida.

However, as far as he knows the cost of therapy in various therapy clinics in Indonesia is still relatively expensive, so only able to reach the capable.  

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