although it can still sleep soundly Pregnant

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Greater pregnancy, typically accompanied by sleeplessness complaints and often awake in the middle of the night. And pregnant women need adequate rest periods along with increased metabolism in the pregnant woman's body to restore all functions of organ systems work.

Generally, pregnant women who get less sleep are more likely to experience difficulties during childbirth. To overcome sleep disorders are best sought and addressed the cause.

The cause of this sleep disorder can vary, such as:

Load Mind

Anxiety and worry facing childbirth, anxiety about the health of the fetus, fear not look sexy again in the eyes of a partner, or concerns can not be slimmer body shape back, is partially distracting thoughts. The result could be restless all night. Solution:

  •     Read books, and consult a physician about pregnancy issues, to ensure that the conditions were fine and not to worry too much.
  •     If worried about the pain during childbirth, not to worry because it has a lot to do childbirth without pain (Intra Labour Analgesia). If worried about fetal abnormalities can perform ultrasound for screening.
  •     Busy yourself with an activity before bed to get rid of the thoughts that interfere with sleep. This can be discussed with friends or pairs or to consult with a therapist.

Breathing Disorders

Increased blood flow during pregnancy cause a lot of parts of the body including the respiratory tract swells. That is why 30% of pregnant women tend to snore during sleep, although previously not a snorer. Solution:

  1.     Inhaling the warm steam from the hot water. Lie on your back with your head higher than the stomach.
  2.     Using breathing reliever medication (inhalers) or nose drops that your doctor recommended.


Progesterone levels cause the body to heat climbed. That is why pregnant women often feel too hot. Solution:

  •     Wearing clothing that absorbs sweat sleep, eg cotton.
  •     Use a thin blanket of material. Do not sleep surrounded by pillows and bolsters, as it will add a sense of overheating. If you need to use special air cushion (Chillow).
  •     Set the air circulation in the room, so comfortable for example by opening a window, fan or air conditioning.

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