Tests to find out the symptoms of autism in children who are currently on average take up to two hours. To that end, the research team from Emory University and Georgia Tech tries to offer a new, faster ways.
With the method of 'Rapid Attention Back and Forth Communication Test "or" Rapid ABC ", test the child autism symptoms lasted only for five minutes. The trick, of children engaged in simple activities that require concentration, communication, and recognition.
The test is very effective to know the symptoms of autism in children aged 18 months to two years. Even so, these tests can not replace a comprehensive screening of autism. After quickly identifying children at risk of autism in early development, they must get treatment immediately.
Pediatrician, Alana Levine, said, "The symptoms of autism spectrum disorders include impairments in social interaction and communication, but also characterized by unusual behaviors such as repetitive movements, hand flapping, and the lack of eye contact. Earlier diagnosis and interventions associated with better long term results good, "he said as quoted by Momlogic.
Levine also noted that if parents suspect their child may be affected by autism, ABC Rapid test is a quick test. Then be followed by a diagnostic test for evaluation of overall emotional and physical.
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