Importance of Early Intervention for Autistic Children

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Children are a happy time. Therefore, every child has the right to enjoy good times with a feeling of comfort and satisfaction by always get the love and attention from parents, peers, and the environment. So too should the child with autism.

As is known, most children with autism have limitations in terms of communication skills, behavioral patterns, and social interaction. Because it needs special handling at this stage of development so that they can live a life like other children.

The cause of autism has yet known. However, several studies in Japan, Australia and other developed countries, suggesting that genetic factors have relevance here. According to the Pou Dr.Lucy KH, professional services director at Indonesia's Centre for Autism Resource and Expertise (IndoCare), children with autism need early attention, not only from parents and family, but also the surrounding environment. Handling should be done immediately even include basic skills, mentoring, providing a special time, and much more.

'' It requires the cooperation of all parties to be more effective treatment. Parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, or psychologists should communicate with each other so that the needs of autistic children can be accommodated,'' he said on the sidelines of the conference oportunities for Children with Autism: Early Intervention Rehabilitation or Later? ' in Jakarta, Thursday (22/6).

Lucy said, the main problems faced by children with autism is the difficulty in communicating. '' It was the first. Hence, therapeutic communication requires attention, both by parents, teachers, and others as a step up,'' he added.

So how to find a bear children with autism? Initial characteristics that can be known is if up to 12 months of age, he has not say babbling (baby words). Then up to the age of 18 have not one word out of him. Similarly, at the age of 24 months have not been able to establish the most simple sentences until the age of bigger, he had language disorders, both verbal and non verbal.

There are two types of autism. First, low functioning (low IQ). In the low-functioning autistic child, he will not be able to recognize letters or read. Therefore, the treatment given should not be directed to it, but more to the independence of the nature of teaching basic skills lifes.

Both are high-functioning (high IQ) or commonly known as Asperger's disorder. This type of autistic children have good communication, but are less able to interact.

Treatment of children with autism can be done with some effort. Able to use ABA methods (aplied, behavior, realistic) which is a behavioral therapy. Can also be a method of sensory therapy integracy, snouzleen Therapy, auditory therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and psycho-educational therapy. Yet according to Lucy, therapy alone will not succeed if not followed by treatment with the family and school. "Create an atmosphere that is conducive to children with autism in the family and school environment because that's where the kids actually grow flowers and interact," he explained.

Identification of weaknesses
Meanwhile, Prof Ho Lai Yun, MBBS, M.Med (Paediatric), Associate Dean and Singapore General Hospital Outram Campus, said early intervention for children with autism are needed in order to prepare a special assistance program. The design of the program should remain focused on developing self-reliance, social, basic skills, communication skills, and others.

"To that end, important to know what-what are the capabilities of the child and what the weaknesses. Because that way, we can identify the steps handling to do," he said later.

He then suggested, that the implementation of the intervention program is really tailored to the needs of children. Like for example, autistic children with complaints of difficulty reading, so it's good if treatment is not only the application of learning to read, but can be through various means. '' His approach is from the things that a child's ability. From there, in addition to its potential to grow while also improving other skills, "said vice chairman of the Singapore Children's Society.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Program in Early Childhood Education Studies, State University of Jakarta (UNJ), Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Mulyono, said the history and the education system in Indonesia that separates between normal children and children with autism as well known for its exceptional children, it can cause problems new. '' The kids do not want to appreciate the normal children with special needs, and children with special needs can not be done in the association of social adjustment in the community, "he said.

Therefore, he expects one of the treatment efforts for children with autism and other special needs is not to separate them from normal society, give them the same opportunity. "Not all kids are stupid, quite the contrary there is an above average ability average, live how we fulfill what they need to development themselves. "

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