Special Curriculum Disabled Autism

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 3, 2012

EDUCATION   for children with autism are not the same as ordinary children. General education curriculum that prepared very individual.

Data owned by the Ministry of Education says, people with autism who follow special education services were the top five of all school participants.

Tuna is the largest number of mentally disabled (intellectual limitations) heavy and light as many as 38 545 participants, 19 199 deaf participants. Then followed by blind persons with 3218 participants, 1920 participants and disabled as many as 1752 participants with autism.

In Indonesia, a school specializing in autistic schools numbered 1752. The top five provinces of the most established schools with autism is as much as 402 schools in West Java, East Java, 263 schools, 131 schools Yogyakarta. Then followed by West Sumatra and Jakarta, each of which has 111 schools for persons with autism.

Director of Exceptional Education Development Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education (Mandikdasmen) Ministry of National Education Eko Djatmiko Sukarso states, the National Education Law No20 of 2003 mandated the government to provide education for all people. "The Government recognizes and implement special education (PK) and special education services (CSR) bagipenyandangautis," he said.

All matters related to learning for children with autism based on the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). However, Eko said the Ministry of Education to give freedom to individual schools to determine the curriculum for persons with autism. It's because every school has different requirements for educating persons with autism.

Beginning of the school psychologist autism "Mandiga" in Jakarta, Dyah Puspita states, autism curriculum should be different for each individual. Given every autistic child has different needs. This is consistent with the nature of the autistic spectrum. For example, there are children who need intensive communication with the study, there is a need to learn how to take care of himself and some that just need to focus on academic issues.

The determination of appropriate curriculum for each child, Joseph Dini, founder   homeschool for children with autism "Cabbage" in Jakarta said, depending on the   assessment (assessment) beginning of each school made. This assessment needs to be done before the school received a new autistic children. Typically, the assessment through interviews with both parents. This interview to know the background, obstacles, and the social environment of children.

In addition, this initial assessment through direct observation of the child. The duration of this initial assessment, according to Dini, is different. "But, from there, we then determine the type of therapy as well as the curriculum is appropriate for the child," he said. Typically, this therapy will be combined with play to make it more fun for children with autism.

Principal specifically autism, Agca Centre Bekasi Ira Christiana, said the school has a variety of forms of therapy for people with autism. Among other things, integrated therapy, speech, integrity, and physiotherapy. "What therapy is given depends on the condition of his son," he said.

The treatment of autism over the age of five years in contrast to autism under the age of five. Autistic therapies over the age of five years to the development of building up in order to socialize with their surroundings. "It is obligatory for them it's time for school," said Ira.

If people with autism over the age of five years have not been able to socialize at all, it will be given additional training that leads to an increase in gross and fine motor neurons. For persons who are able to socialize, it will immediately be placed in regular schools, with their records must stay abreast of additional lessons at school autism.

Autism under five years are given a unified treatment such as behavioral and speech therapy. Behavioral therapy aims to improve compliance, imitation, and occupation. Speech therapy begins with simple things, like blowing out candles, wipes, pronounce the letter A, and pronounce consonants.

Another thing that should be observed, according to Ira, is a consistency between what is done in schools with at home. If there is a striking difference, advancement of children with autism will be difficult to achieve. Children experience confusion over what is on the environment. This requires intensive communication between schools and parents.

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