Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 11, 2012

Psychological approaches differ from one another in the techniques and the purpose of handling anxiety. Techniques are fundamentally different but equally Encouraging clients to deal with and do not avoid the sources of Their anxiety. In dealing with anxiety disorders may be through Several approaches:
1. Approaches - psychodynamic approach
From the psychodynamic perspective, the energy reflected the anxiety attached to That Is the unconscious conflicts and Efforts to keep him terepresi ego. Traditional psychoanalysis clients Realize That anxiety is a symbol of the conflict within Themselves. With the existence of these symbols can be liberated from the ego to spend the energy to do the repression. Thus Spake the ego can give more attention to the tasks That are more creative and give the increase of. So also with the modern, but a more modern source of anxiety to explore the circumstances That come from the relationship than the relationship of the past now. In Addition, They Encourage clients to develop more adaptive behavior.
2. Approach - Humanistic Approach
Humanistic leaders believe That That anxiety comes from the social repression of our true self. Anxiety Occurs when a person's unawareness of the true inner self and his social mask closer to the level of awareness. Therefore Humanistic therapists aim to help people to understand and express Their talents and Their feelings are real. As a result, clients are free to discover and accept WHO and does not sesunggguhnya They React with anxiety when Their feelings are real and Their needs began to surface.
3. Approach - Biological Approach
Typically this approach uses a variation of drugs to treat anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines include Valium and Xanax class (alprazolam). Although benzodiazepines have a calming effect, but can lead to physical depensi.
Have antidepressant effects in Addition to the anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects have also antipanik.
4. Approach - Learning Approach
The effectiveness of anxiety treatment has been Widely studied approach is justified by some research. The core of the learning approach is an attempt to help individuals Become more effective in dealing with Situations That cause the emergence of anxiety. There are Several Kinds of models in the therapeutic approach to learning, Including:
a) Gradual Exposure
This method helps to Overcome a phobia or anxiety through step by step approach of the actual exposure to the stimulus fobik. Effectiveness of exposure therapy has been very evident, making this therapy as a treatment option for dealing with specific phobias. Gradual exposure is also Widely used in agoraphobia treatment. Treatment is gradually exposes individuals to a situation increasingly Frightening agorafobik stimulus, the end goal is the success of individuals when faced with the last stage the which is the toughest stage without any discomfort and without an urge to escape. The advantage is the result of gradual exposure That can last a long time. Tackling the way or Airways to help Reduced anxiety:
b) Reconstruction of Thoughts
Of Helping individuals to think logically what happened exactly. usually used in a psychologist to phobia sufferers.
c) Flooding
That individual is helped by giving him the most feared stimulus and conditioned in Such a way and force individuals WHO Suffer from anxiety to deal with it Themselves.
d) Cognitive Therapy
Treatment is through the approach to rational-emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy showed individuals with social phobia That Irrational needs for social acceptance and acceptance-delivery perfectionism unnecessary anxiety in social interaction. Therapeutic key is to Eliminate excess demand in the social acceptance. Cognitive therapies try to correct the dysfunctional beliefs. For example, people with social phobia may think That no one in the party who wants to converse with him and that 'They eventually would be lonely and isolated for the rest of Their lives. Cognitive therapy helps them to Recognize the logical flaws in their minds and help them to look at the situation rationally. One example is the cognitive technique of cognitive restructuring, a process in the which therapists help clients find the thoughts and seek rational alternatives so That They can learn to deal with the situation generating anxiety.
e) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This therapy combines behavioral techniques Such as exposure and cognitive restructuring techniques Such as cognitive. Some of the anxiety disorders may be assessed That with the use of CBT include: social phobia, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders thorough, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder.
On social phobia, the therapist helps guide them during the Experiments on the exposure and gradually withdraw support Immediately so That the client is Able to deal with situation Their Own
Anxiety is a sensation of fear aphrehensif or comprehensive. And this is a reasonable or normal, but if this is too much then it may be something abnormal. While the overall anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder involves persistent anxiety That That seems a to "float free" (Free floating) or attached to something specific.
Characteristic of Patients with anxiety disorders, Among others:
Physical characteristics:a
1. Restless
2. Sweat
3. Heart beat faster
4. There is a sensation rope
bind tightly to the head
5. Tremble
6. Frequent urination
Behavior Characteristics:
1. Avoidance behavior
2. Dependent behavior
Cognitive Characteristics1
. Was not Able to
control all
2. Feels like to run
away from the place
3. Seemed to want to die
In a psychodynamic perspective, looking at anxiety as an attempt to control the emergence of the ego impulses threaten That consciousness. And feelings of anxiety are the warning signs That the impulses That threaten closer to consciousness. Ego defense mechanism moves to divert the impulses the which then lead to other anxiety disorders. However, learning theorists explain anxiety disorders, disorders through observational learning and conditioning. Two-factor models of Mowrer put clasical and operant conditioning in the explanation of phobias. However, the phobia Appears to be influenced also by cognitive factors, Such as expectations of self-efficacy. Reinforcement principles may help identifies patterns of obsessive-compulsive behavior. There Might Be a genetic predisposition to Certain phobias yamng have values ​​for survival (survival) for our Earlier Ancestors.
There are Several factors cause cognitive That disorders, anxiety disorders, Such as predicting an excess of fear, self-defeating beliefs and Irrational, excessive sensitivity of the signals and signs of threat, the expectations of self-efficacy is too low and one of the signals-body signal.
To minimize the occurrence of anxiety in a person, there are Several therapies. Psychoanalysis radisional help people to Overcome unconscious conflicts are believed to underlie anxiety disorders. Approaches to modern psycho-dynamics That is more focused on the Disruption of existing relationships in the lives of current clients and Encourage clients to develop a pattern of behavior That is more adaptive. Humanistic therapy focuses more on Helping clients identify and accept her true self and not React in fear every time the real needs and feelings began to surface. As for the drug therapy, focuses on the use of benzodiazepine drugs and medications antidepresen (which has more effect than just as an antidepressant).
Basic approaches to learning in dealing with anxiety involves a wide range of behavioral and cognitive-behavioral techniques, Including exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, exposure and response prevention, relaxation and skills training. Such approaches as cognitive behavioral therapy is rational-emotive and cognitive therapy, Helping people to identify and correct thinking patterns underlie That the wrong reactions to anxiety. For cognitive-behavioral therapy, dealing with panic disorder, involves self-monitoring, exposure, and development of adaptive responses to signals generating anxiety.

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