Are Autism and What can we do?
Autism is a disease or disorder in brain development is expected to strike 1 in 1,000 people in the United States. People with autism are usually less able to speak and unable to get along with their social environment. Approximately 80% of people with autism are boys. Why this is so, why is not known by researchers.
It is also unknown is the cause of autism.
Everything from genetic changes to the contact with the mother's womb
until the disease has been blamed for a chemical imbalance. But it turns out, these factors can be ignored as parents is recommended by some researchers.
Although informed that they had nothing to do with their child's
illness, some parents are constantly saying that they feel guilty for
not being able to interact with their children. The following is what is known about autism.
- The difficulty with organizational skills
People with autism out of their intellectual abilities, it has difficulty organizing themselves. An autistic student might be able to mention the historic dates of each war, but they always forget to bring pencils to class. These students can be a very neat or most slovenly. Parents should always remember not to impose its will on them. They just are not able to organize themselves without any specific training. An autistic child's ability to manage the training needs by using small steps in order to function in a specific social and academic situations. - A person with autism have problems with abstract thinking and conceptual
Regardless of what parents say, some people with autism eventually acquire abstract skills, but some are not. Question: "Why do not you bathe?" seems appropriate to say when you're facing a child who does not want a bath. With children with autism often better to avoid the phrase a question that invites debate, you should say: "I do not like it when you do not bathe. Let's go to the bathroom and a shower now. If you need help, I'll help you but I'm not going to bathe you . " Avoid asking questions at length. The parents or caregivers should be as concrete as possible in all their interactions. - Increase in unnatural behavior indicates an increase in stress
In many situations, especially situations that are not familiar, it will cause stress in relation to feelings or loss of control. In most instances, stress can be reduced when children are allowed to get out of stressful situations. Creating a program to help children deal with stress at school is strongly recommended. - Their different behavior do not take it personally
People with autism should not be regarded as someone who always behave in deviant or want to hurt the feelings of others or try to make life so difficult for others. A rare autism can be manipulative. Generally, their behavior is a result of their efforts out of a scary experience, or confusing. People with autism, naturally because of their inability, of a self-absorbed. Most people with autism face a hard time to understand the reactions of others because of a perceived disability. - Use words with real meaning
Simply put, say what you mean. If the speaker is not very familiar with the people with autism, they should avoid the use of: an abbreviation / calling, teasing, ambiguous phrases, idioms, and so forth. - Facial expressions and other cues are usually not successful
Generally, the majority of people with autism have trouble reading facial expressions or body language and interpret the behavior of certain impressions. - An autistic individuals seem unable to learn a task
This is a sign that the task or tasks that are too difficult for him and needs to be simplified. Another way is to present the tasks in different ways - both visually, physically, and verbally. These methods are often ignored by teachers and parents at home because it requires patience, time of experiment, and a willingness to change the method or old habits. - Avoid too much information or words
Teachers and parents should be clear, using short sentences with simple language to convey their intent. If children have no hearing problems and can pay attention to you, he may have difficulty separating what is being taught and other information. - Be consistent
Prepare and give a short list of lessons that will teach you. Write down on a chart. Every day they go first with a young child. If a change occurs, tell him and repeat the information about the change. - Arrange his
Although it seems impossible, it is possible to adjust the attitude of children with autism. The key is consistency and reduction of stress in children. Also recommended to perform the addition of positive social attitudes carried out routinely. - Be careful with the environment
In many instances, a person with autism can be very sensitive to what is in the room. Paint the walls a bright color or a very annoying buzz of fluorescent lights for people with autism. To make meaningful change, teachers and parents need to be vigilant and be careful of the environment and the problems that exist. - Children who have deviant behavior or persistent defiance is a sign of a problem
Even children sometimes behave in deviant or rebellious, a person with autism often behave so when he lost control. It could be a signal that someone or something around it to make angry or annoyed. It is very helpful is to get out of the neighborhood or if he could write down what was bothering her, but do not expect such a positive response he continues to understand what is happening and what it means. Another successful method of role play and discuss what makes him angry, or misbehave. Let him answer that he thought you would respond to his behavior. Utilizing this activity will help to reduce the density of a situation which changed its focus to pay attention to what was bothering her. - Do not assume anything when evaluating the ability or expertise
People who deal with children with autism report that some autistic people are very good at math, but was unable to calculate a simple return the money at the checkout. Or, they have the ability to remember every word in a book he was reading or speech that he heard, but did not remember to bring paper to class or where he put his sneakers. Unbalanced development of the ability of the nature of autism. Autism, as mentioned above, not so well known or understood. It is still a confusing issue for parents, teachers and those working and observing the children of this kind. - Key
The key to working with people with autism is: Be patient, positive thinking, creative, flexible, and OBJECTIVE.
Additional tips for parents:
- Meet the doctor
If you suspect your child has autism, see your doctor and ask for a diagnosis. Ask for an explanation to them and ask as many questions that you think need to be asked. Be critical! Do not wait for them to provide information to you because you will be waiting for so long without an answer. - Learn about the rights of disabled people
Become familiar with the actions of people with disabilities. Do not be afraid to request a medical doctor, school, school administrators or teachers. They will only do what was asked or required of them. In this respect, patience, persistence, knowledge, and respect will give good results. - Seek the help of
Many disabled children never get help because their parents feel scared and ashamed. Remember, nothing you have done that causes this defect occurs. Other people had similar problems. There is help for your child. Continue to look for information. - Be patient
Do not give up. Remember that your child does not like to act like that but they are just trying to get attention from the world around them. - Do not repeatedly tried to train a task to the child
People with autism usually resist change routine activity. Forcing children with autism do something it could be disastrous. It's better if you see he is having trouble, step back and try to solve the task into something more simple and easy to do. This means that it has reached its limits - as we all can also be the case. Try to give choices. This will give him the sense of self-control and stability.
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