DOES your baby have an interest in another world? Or if your child is difficult to look at other person's eyes? If yes, chances are she was suffering from autism. Act immediately.
At first glance this looks very normal child, but children with autism have a different behavior than other children. The cause is not because of their central nervous system develops is not perfect, so they too have difficulty in understanding language, learning, and communicating. It takes persistence and patience extra for parents who have children with autism.
Director of Intervention Services for Autism Development Disorder Delay (ISADD) based in Australia, Jura Tender admit, how difficult to detect autism early. Because physically the baby looks healthy. Over time, the parents just see a little difference.
For example, children do not talk too much, do not like being touched, and his often bizarre positions. The problem is, many parents are not too interested at the same time care about that. They then take it as a natural thing. "In fact, parents should act quickly and face reality. Do not let the child's condition is already severe simply because the parents take it lightly, "said Jura warned.
At least there are some criteria for autism that could be considered. Children with autism have impairments in social interaction, among the low ability to interact socially through nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body motion. Children were not able to interact socially in a group of children her age should.
They are also not able to provide social and emotional reaction to what happened. For example, were unable to show sympathy when others grieve or did not return when hugged. Children with autism also experience delays or inability to speak, the language used tend to be repetitive, rigid, distinctive, and somewhat strange. Those with autism often do activities, act, and feel drawn to something repeatedly and limited. Such an interest is likely abnormal in terms of focus and intensity of an activity is limited. Call it a habit to replay a scene from a movie or video continuously without stopping or walking in a circle.
Or the child may also have a regular habit to be followed and often meaningless. "For example, to go through a certain path leading to the school or just want to sleep with certain clothes," says Gayatri Pamoedji as the founder of the Autism Community Care Indonesia (MPATI) which also has a son with autism is.
Indeed, autism is a complex developmental disorder in children. Often the symptoms appear before the child reaches the age of three. According to a study in the United States, autism occurs in approximately 10 children in 10,000 births. The possibility of four times more often in boys than girls.
Genetic factors indeed referred to as one of the possible occurrence of autism. However, until now there has been no further studies that indicate whether genetic factors are derived from the father or mother. Both have the same opportunities. Only, the nature of autism is more evident in male siblings of the mother or father, if indeed there are characteristics of autism on the family.
The main cause of this disorder until now it still continues to be investigated by experts. However, in addition to genetic factors, the following factors cited as the trigger of this disease, which is heavy metal poisoning, MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella), environmental pollutants, allergies to certain foods such as wheat and dairy products, as well as complications before and after childbirth.
Gayatri advises parents who have children with the disorder to perform therapy on a regular basis. "Finding the right therapy for the child is indeed a long journey. Parents need to know what is needed and what is available to meet their needs, "said a woman who took the Master of Health Conselling from Curtin University of Technology this.
Appropriate therapy, continued Gayatri, is eroding the limited treatment of children, involving children, their validity has been proven, measurable results, consider the advantages and limitations, and using things that are liked by children.
Appropriate treatment would make family life less stressful because the children have started to be able to independently and interact with family members.
Parents need to remember is, a match or not therapeutic for the child is determined by the needs and abilities of the child. So, parents should find out, make a list of needs, as well as the limitations and strengths of the child.
To undergo this treatment, experts recommend that children with autism are given therapy for 25-40 hours a week. This is not a problem, because in general, children with autism are not impaired physical development that still needs to be stimulated.
The duration of the child in therapy, arguably until he was able to independently and participate in a social environment. All this is determined by the ability of children and parents. If the child is able to implement or achieve the target of therapy without having to be reminded or directed, not only in class but also in home therapy, he was able to fairly and competently.
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