Horse Therapy for Autistic Children

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, June 27, 2012

With horse riding, children learn to relate.

The morning air was very cool when Pricilla Lembang Armelita (11 years), and Melvina Patricia Saputra (11), was busy riding. They seem accustomed to the rhythm of motion of the horse. Unlike the children in general, the twins at least three times a week on horseback.

Ifen, his mother, always routinely bring Pricilla and horse riding sights Partricia to DeRanch Lembang, West Java, Bandung regency. Not just for playing or traveling, they had autism therapy on horseback. "My son was difficult to communicate and always closed," said Ifen, Thursday (28/1).

Autism is a neurobiological disorder that affects brain function. As a result, the child was unable to interact effectively with the outside world. They seemed busy with his world self.face it conditions, Ifen almost desperate to heal her two children. A wide range of therapies and treatments have been tried. Costs have been incurred not a little, but he has not seen any significant change.

Until finally, a year ago, an undergraduate psychology of a private university in Bandung was brought Pricilla and Patricia to learn to ride. Accidentally, Ifen met with Billy Mamolo, a riding instructor who is also one of the owners DeRanch.

Practicing concentration

By Billy, Pricilla and Patricia trained horse the right way. Ranging from how to ride a horse, holding the saddle, to control the horse. Billy has intensified to educate them when they entered the school holidays. Almost every day Pricilla and Patricia comes to horseback riding.

Not just around the paddock (specific area), Billy also invited Pricilla and Patricia riding out (ride out) to the forest that many pine trees around Tangkuban Boat. Pine release positive ions, "said Billy.

After two months, Pricilla and Patricia Billy train ride right technique, there was a real positive changes that occur in both children. "My child can begin to communicate and is willing to tell about his experiences to me," said Ifen.

Since then, Ifen decided to continue riding therapy to his daughters. Billy began diligently to develop autism treatment through a self-taught riding, doing minimal research, and attend seminars on the benefits of riding to some countries. Finally, he found a method of autism treatment with a standard riding.

Dozens of children with autism are now being handled by Billy. "It was true that the Prophet Muhammad encourages us to learn to ride," said Billy.Dengan horseback riding, children with autism are trained concentration, balance, feeling, sensitivity, and emotion. Because, says Billy, but requires concentration and balance, to want to treat horses with riders required by the feelings and emotional control.

In contrast to humans, Billy explained, the horse can not be paid for with money that he would follow orders. "Horses should be treated with love," he added. It is then able to reduce the difficulties children with autism in social relationships.

Flight hours

Billy suggests, the positive impact of horse riding for children with autism feel after 40 hours of horseback riding. Flying hours as much as it can be obtained with a minimum of once a week on horseback for an hour. "It must be sustainable."

When you are quite adept at riding and flying hours have been met, the sensitivity of children began to be trained. The trick, riding a horse into the forest of pine trees. With the more difficult terrain riding, said Billy, of course, the child must also be sensitive to the willingness of the horse when faced with obstacles in front of him.

"So the child must be sensitive to the willingness of the horse. If it was not possible to obey himself, so he wanted tolerant with other people," said Billy.Untuk sensitivity training as a way of handling it, it takes over 20 hours of horseback riding. Billy believed, during the process to learn to ride, there will be a positive change in attitude for persons with autism, as happened to Pricilla and Patricia.

There is no age limit for this therapy. "This is also true for normal children," added Billy Billy. such therapy can be practiced by anyone, all it knows about riding instructor and the persons with autism do not feel forced. He is willing to share with anyone who wants to learn the methods of therapy like this.

Billy said he did not attach special rates for educating children with autism. In DeRanch Lembang charged a rate of $ 5 thousand for a single entry. To ride a horse during a single rotation around the paddock subject to a rate of $ 15 thousand. While riding for fun package fare of Rp 100 thousand per hour and riding out the package $ 150 per hour. All equestrian activities conducted under the supervision of an instructor.

Currently, DeRanch Lembang was preparing a special package for the handling of children with autism. During this time, said Billy, equestrian package is not yet available for children with autism. Thus, autistic parents bring their children in accordance with their wishes. "Whenever they could come to bring their children."

Only, said Billy, sometimes even parents who are not diligent to deliver her child so that the results are not optimal. In addition, parents often can not wait to see the child's development. They want instant results, the child quickly changed, while the horsemen flying hours are not met. "Therapies like this takes time, patience, and support of parents," said Billy

For Billy, the money is not everything. To their knowledge, he admitted that he would not pay to treat people with autism come from families who can not afford. "Please come alone. We will accept with open arms," ​​hi said . planning, Billy will build a dormitory for children with autism who are in therapy. This is so that therapy can be done more intensively.

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