When your child is diagnosed with autism have a special talent, the shock can not be denied there in your mind. as well as later life. How do I learn? What about later in its development? What really needs child with autism? Hopefully the below can help answer your questions.
A. What are the most appropriate therapy for children with autism?
To determine the most appropriate therapy for children with autism was initially necessary to complete the assessment or examination of the child. Assessment aims to determine the degree of severity, the ability of its time, and find out if there are obstacles or other accompanying disorders. Usually, therapy is therapy given to develop skills such as basic skills, communication skills, in this case using expressive language skills (content of thought or opinion expressed) and receptive language (to absorb and understand the language). In addition, the therapy given also help autistic children to develop self help skills or self-help skills appropriate to behave in public, and others. In other words, therapy for children with autism are multiterapi.
2. What is the most difficult obstacles during treatment of children with autism?
Constraints on the treatment of children with autism depends on the unique abilities he has, there is an autistic child who can communicate, there is not at all. But the majority of children with autism have limitations or barriers in communication so that this becomes a big obstacle course of therapy. Child's teacher can not follow instructions properly. Even children sometimes tantrums when asked to do a given task. Sometimes children with autism like talking, babbling, or laughing to myself at the time of study.
3. What is the attitude of children with autism while undergoing therapy?
Usually children with autism have a communication barriers or limitations. This is evident from the behavior of those who tend not to see the faces of people when invited to interact, most have less interest in the environment, and most likely to be interested in things than people.
4. What changes to expect after treatment?
In the end, is expected to have an autistic child to communicate, which was likely to be one-way to two way. In that sense there is a reciprocal response when its lay language to communicate or "disconnected". Then the other changes are also expected to have a self-help skills, independence, and function well together and in the surrounding environment. Certainly very encouraging results expected of parents with autistic children. This is seen when the child is already able to control his behavior
so it seemed normal to behave, communicate and speak normally,
and have sufficient appropriate academic insights of his age.
5. How fast will the changes be visible?
Changes or progress made must be individualized. It depends on the outcome of the assessment, learning styles of children with autism, and the intensity of therapy or education provided and the cooperation between parents, caregivers of children with educators, therapists or health care professional
6. How about the education of children with autism?
Keep in mind that every child with autism has the ability and the different obstacles. There are children with autism are able to mingle with the kids 'normal' other in regular classes and spend a little time to be in special classes but there are also children with autism are advised to always be in special classes are structured for him. Children can learn in a regular classroom is usually they have the ability to communicate, cognitive and self-sufficient aid. While that still require a special class of children with autism are typically included in an integrated classroom, the introductory class for autistic children and preparation for admission to ordinary public schools in the general curriculum while still in grammar learning of children with autism, which is a small class with a large number of teachers, with a visual / images / cards, instructions are clear, concise and consistent, etc.).
7. How to learn the proper methods for children with autism?
Learn the proper methods for children with autism and children adjusted for age, abilities and barriers that have children at learning, and learning styles or learning styles of each child with autism. The method used is usually a combination of several methods. Many, though not all, autistic children who respond very well to visual stimuli and the method of learning the many uses for their preferred visual stimulus. Learning to use tools as a teaching medium of choice. Tools may include pictures, posters, balls, toy blocks, etc.. In the first months of autistic children should be accompanied by a therapist who serves as special tutor
8. Teachers as to what is needed for children with autism?
Teachers are needed for children with autism are the ones who besides memilii sufficient competence to deal with autistic children would also have to have the interest or the interest to be involved in the lives of children with autism, has a high level of patience, and a tendency to always learn something new because the field of autism is a new field that is always evolving.
9. Atmosphere of learning such as what is required of children with autism?
Depending on the abilities and learning styles of each child with autism. There are autistic children who achieve better results when blended with other children, whether it's kids 'normal' as well as children with other special needs. There are children with autism are better placed in a quiet atmosphere for learning, not a lot of interference or noise stimulus, color, or other matters that could potentially distract.
10. What is taught in the education of children with autism?
Communication (expressive and receptive language), self-help skills, skills to behave in public, after which it can be taught other things that adjusted for age and maturity of the child and the level of intelligence.
11. How many years until the age of children with autism receive special education?
All this once again depends on the ability of the child, the child's learning style, as well as the extent of cooperation between the parents or caregivers with the educator or therapist.
12. What age child can be released into the public schools?
Again, this depends on the ability of the child.
13. How likely autistic children mingle with other students in regular schools?
The possibility is always there. However, it all depends on the ability of children with autism and whether the education system or facilities in schools 'common' that supports autistic children mingling with other students in regular finished.
14. Does the autistic child can finally live in the general environment without any special treatment?
For some very rare cases (to date), there are individuals with autism with adequate communication skills, adequate level of intelligence and education can support themselves to be independent and blend with the environment without any special treatment. This depends on internal factors (self-autistic children themselves) and external factors, namely the environment, whether within the system supports or enables autistic children to be able to function well in daily life.
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