Adihutama Wirasatya Now, 9 years, have advanced to play the gamelan. In fact he was able to find your own tone of traditional musical instruments. Then the third graders Elementary School I, Ngemplak, Klaten, it has the understanding of abstract concepts that are not inferior to their peers. Though not much you can do Wira - calling - when he turned five years old. At that time the boy was only able to rage and cry. He could not sit still, speak, even difficult to defecate.
"What is clear, gross and fine motor nerve can not function properly," said his mother, Lucy Catherine Isabella, 38, told Tempo when contacted on his cell phone yesterday. According to Lucy, at the age of 18 months, Wira was sentenced to a doctor has been suffering from autistic spectrum disorders.
Well, post-verdict, Lucy tried a variety of treatment options for their children. Initially, the doctor offered an artificial anus in the abdominal surgery as a solution Wira magnitude of urinary difficulties. Though all the digestive organs were normal and high fiber intake. Because of that, Lucy decided not to comply with medical measures. Besides doctors, graduated the University of Gadjah Mada English Literature 1996, was a psychiatrist to try therapy to help control emotional speech and Wira. But the result, your baby is not slowing down.
Until one time, when Wira 5.5 years old, Lucy came to Arogya Mitra interested in Acupuncture, located in Hamlet Ngemplak, Kalikotes, Klaten, Central Java. "It turned out that the results are incredible," Lucy said. Just two months of acupuncture treatment by Eko Tunggono, his son was making a sound. Progress continues to achieve. Entering the sixth month, Wira can talk like a normal child. "Throw the amount of water can also naturally," the former journalist in the capital daily media exposes.
As therapy, Lucy explains, she always foster positive perceptions of their children. He was always develop themselves in order to understand the children. Most importantly, he believes the best of all possible and never give up. As a result, the Wira now grown into a healthy child is physically and mentally. And as an appreciation of Eko Tunggono, Lucy wrote a book entitled From the island of Buru Being Autistic Children Rescue Hyperactivity in March. Especially in the Clinic Arogya Mitra, Eko strive to develop the ability of children with autism and hyperactivity.
Actually, not just Lucy's face as this problematic. There are many other parents who are looking for solutions to cure their child as a person with autism. One of them is a television presenter, Muhammad Farhan, 39 years old. Her first child, Muhammad Khalid Ridzky, 10, was sentenced to a doctor suffering from autism at the age of 18 months.
Since then, for Farhan, the important thing is to give education about the basic rules for Ridzky. "At least he knows the norms and manners that has been generally accepted," he said when met after the show in the world of autism care Sucofindo Graha, Jakarta, on Thursday last week, for example, like how to clean herself after the bathroom, dressed, and how to eat correct. "It's not possible at the age of 20 years, (he was) dicebokin father."
Then the husband is always growing Rubiyani Nani confident nature to their children. You do this by bringing Ridzky to public places, such as shopping centers. "There are some parents ashamed to bring their children to the outdoors. Even there is a hidden," he said. It makes the child more and more alienated from their surroundings. Moreover, he does not burden a target for what the child should be in a few months after school. Ridzky itself is inclusive school student in the School of Global Mandiri, Jakarta.
Currently, Ridzky expert in knowledge about the classification of animals and plants. Not only that, he also memorized the location of each country are posted on the world map. "Therefore, if to Singapore or Bali, we always took time to go to the zoo," said the man was born in Bogor. What is clear, says Farhan, if directed to the right track, children with autism have skills that could potentially exceed the normal person.
It's been there for example. Just look at the gait of a child with autism, Oscar Dompas Yura, 29, who could snatch the title of English Literature degree from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta. Oscar managed to maintain scientific writing titled Plot Erich Maria Remarque Analyzes of All Quiet's On The Western Front. In addition, this bald-headed young man has spawned a book called Autistic Journey in 2004.
"Going forward, I again wrote a screenplay about a child with autism is in love," he said when met at the Graha Sucofindo Tempo, Jakarta, on Thursday last week. According to his father, Jeffrey Dompas, 52 years, from childhood Oscar has never had any therapy. He believes that it needs only the basic instinct of parents to understand him. "So, how to treat her like a normal child," he said on the same occasion.
Professor Komaruddin Hidayat also mentioned, children with autism can develop more optimal through education. "Education can raise self-esteem of children with autism," he said on the same occasion. To that end, he emphasized, the role of the family is necessary for the child's cognitive progress. "The family is the solution for children with autism," he asserted.
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