Although meditation is now starting to lose the characteristics of eastern religion and culture but the benefits in psychological therapy is enormous. Weil said the experience of an irrational mind is the cause of psychiatric illness (Mc.Quade & Aikman, 1987), Weil also said many people who are not interested in using drugs even in altering one's consciousness without exercise or effort. Because in meditation is considered a person learn to be aware of the elemental conflicts in himself and in addition this treatment is comparatively more expensive (Mc.Quade & Aikman, 1987).
A case study reported that the relaxation is carried out effectively for 6 weeks can reduce the fear (Yates, 2009). Also in another study conducted Davis, Eshelman and McKay (Satiadarma, 1998) suggests meditation successfully prevent high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, diabetes, arthritis, anxiety, depression, and feelings of hostility (hostility). Research also indicates that relaxation is the foundation of any program to deal with anxiety, fear or panic (Bourne, 2000; Mirow, 2008) other disorders caused by stress (Meadow, 2006).
With berpijakan the basic concepts of meditation, try contracting the autonomic effects of meditation on the criteria of any anxiety disorder is expected to counter counditing and removal. As we know that anxiety is the inability of individuals to control your emotions and feeling of fear and anxiety are powerful and overwhelming and irrational anxiety. Freud (2002) also argued that anxiety is the individual's subjective experience of the tensions, difficulties and pressures that accompany a conflict or a threat.
Common symptoms of anxiety is anxiety, fatigue of thinking, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tension, nausea, or trouble sleeping. Anxiety disorders often involves somatic symptoms include cold sweat, difficulty breathing, gastric disturbances, palpitations, blood pressure rises and trembling, shortness of breath, chest pains, feeling dizziness, fainting, muscle tension, bowel movements, vibration member body and excessive activity of the autonomic system (Ramaiah, 2006). So it can be classified display symptoms of anxiety disorders include Somatic disorders (tremor, pana-cold, cramps, sweating, palpitations, nausea / Nan, diarrhea, dry mouth, decreased libido, shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing), Cognitive Disorders (concentration difficulties, confusion , the power will go out of control or going crazy, excessive vigilance, and the thought of a great catastrophe), Conduct Disorder (expression of fear, irritability, immobility, hypertension, and withdrawal from society), Perception Disorder (depersonalization and derealization) (Sani, 2012)
While some factors that influence anxiety and anxiety in adolescence include the rise of the trends and thoughts of the opposite sex, a great shock, a feeling of confusion as to femininity (Samadi, 1959) and biological factors also play a role in the highly adolescence (Stainberg, 2002). And menstrual problems is an important biological factor in the adolescent growth and development of secondary sex (Chandranita, 2009).
Obvious symptoms appear during menstruation teens tend to be more emotional, irritable, restless, sleeplessness, headaches, abdominal bloating, and even when experiencing severe disruption adolescents can experience a sense of depression, fear (anxiety) and interference in concentrated (Candranita, 2009). Until the age of 15 teenagers still feel the anxiety that causes instability and personal turmoil them, because they are the smallest things easy to laughter, then anger, then despair and then back to the previous condition. This instability occurs several days before the arrival of the menstrual period in the form of anxious, sensitive and stuff like that (Samadi, 1959). The majority of teenagers a few days before the arrival of the menstrual period, and felt a surge of excitement as well as having a feeling of uncertainty, especially during menstruation is the first time or 1-2 years of the first appearance of menstrual cycles (menarche) (Samadi, 1959).
On the symptoms that arise in adolescent menstrual cycle either physical or psychological condition of the body can be addressed with a relaxed or resting (Samadi, 1958). Relax the condition itself gives a great influence on each person's organs (O'Connor, 2009) as were dictated by Benson (2000) relaxation and self-confidence can relieve headaches, memperlacar blood pressure, overcoming trouble sleeping, reduce back pain , controlling panic, reduce anxiety symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, irritability and inability to get along with others, to reduce overall stress and achieve balance and self kedamian. Teasdall et al (2000) reported in a study conducted over 60 weeks with 45 people known to the research subjects that mindfulness meditation therapy (MBCT) is able to contribute to depression levels decreased by 75%.
Especially in terms of understanding and awareness of anxiety about the opening period through meditation is much more precise in dealing with the resulting anxiety, meditation can emotions more controlled and not reactive to external stimuli (Sudrijanta, 2011). Because treatment with drugs related to anxiety is only temporary (O'Connor, 2005). In resolving anxiety in a person that is the way to deepen the discussion, approached sessuatu with their awareness or provide ideas associated with a sense of anxiety that this idea became a fact which in itself so terindera anxiety may be lost gradually (Muhammad, 1958). Meditation itself is able to open one's awareness of his emotions relating to reducing conflicts because meditation is able to develop ortbitofrontal cortex, the part of the brain that produces good feelings and control negative feelings and reduce fear messages from the amygdala (O'Connor, 2009). In the training program conducted by Jon Kabat-Zinn meditation can reduce fear, kekwatiran, anxiety and panic a person (Brantley, 2003). Specific research related to how to deal with pre-mestrualsyndrom it is known that effective meditation as an alternative (Sanders, 2010)
At the menstrual period psychologists reported that women in apremenstual Syndrome have high blood tension, depression, irribility which will disappear when menstruation berahkir (Dalton, 1964; Frank, 1931; O, Connor, 2009) and other research are also mentioned women are more anxious , hostility, and depression experienced during the period compared to the usual days (Eg Golub, 1976; Paige, 1971; O'Connor, 2009).
Another opinion also cited complaints that accompany menstruation is a whitish appear, feeling pain, or burning (especially around the lower abdomen and genitals), emotional instability, fatigue, listlessness, the addition or loss of appetite etc. (Hendrick, , 2006). Physical complaints related to issues that impact on the anxiety that is often experienced as a teenager when the menstrual period pain can actually be solved with the relaxation approaches to the suggestion that he alone is controlling the pain (Tomb, 2003). While McKay (1994) says that anxiety is an unpleasant state of mental tension that often follow a kind of physical symptoms like rapid heart beat, shallow breathing and muscle tension can be managed with relaxation.
Meditation techniques can also be used as one to overcome anxiety in addition to using drugs, Weill said the famine of inner experience that is irrational, is the main cause of the increased use of drugs (including alcohol) and meditation can replace (Mc.Quade, 1987) because This technique is able to calm the mind and mensegarkan in addressing stress in daily life (Bose, 2010).
Effendi (2006) says that meditation can be felt directly or indirectly benefit, including physical and psychological. In physical terms such as: increase endurance, relieve headaches, relieve abdominal pain, reduce or cure shortness of breath, stabilize blood pressure, insomnia, neutralize cholesterol, reduce pain and healing, reduce pain and so on, while in terms of psychic the benefits of meditation include: providing peace of mind, relieve stress, improve self-esteem / overcome the embarrassment, emotional control, eliminate anxiety, eliminating fears / phobias, be more polite, it becomes easier to forgive, and so forth.
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