Various Kinds or Types of Anxiety Disorders

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nature of Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety produces both physical and psychological responses.
People who suffer from anxiety disorders can be hard to relax and also hard to feel comfortable in a wide variety of situations.

which include anxiety disorders, among others, as follows:

Anxiety Disorders: Phobias

Fear of rejection by the object or situation at hand. Although not really dangerous and people with phobias themselves admit that the perceived fear that has no basis.

Simple phobias
Source of fear in the form of animals, heights, enclosed places, the blood. Who suffer from simple phobias are mostly women and started small.

Derived from the Greek. Agora means a gathering place or market. Thus agoraphobia is a fear based on public places like shopping fear, fear of crowds, fear of traveling and a lot to ask for help.

    Many women who suffer from agoraphobia begins in adolescence and early adulthood.
    Symptoms   : Tension, dizziness, compulsions, brooding, depression, fear of being crazy.
    90% of the sample: fear of heights, enclosed spaces, elevator.

Social phobia
Social anxiety resembles. Keceasan irrational because of someone else, for example, fear of speaking in public, afraid to eat in the umu, fear of using public toilets. Usually people with social phobia rarely seek assistance from others. Onset of social phobia usually begins in adolescence, because at that time awareness of social interaction with others is important in life.

The cause of phobias
Psychoanalytic theory: defense against the anxiety that results direpres id impulse anxiety. Moving from the feared object id impulse or situation, which has a symbolic relationship with it. Direpres avoid conflict. The way the ego to deal with the real, the conflict in childhood that direpres.
Behavioral theory: the study of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, modeling.

Therapy for People with Phobias
Psikoanalaitis: repressed conflict brought to the surface.
Behavioral: desensitasi systematic modeling.

Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorder

Signs of panic disorder is eg shortness of breath, loud heartbeat, chest pain, choking feeling, dizziness, sweating, shaking, fear of terror is going, there is fear of punishment.

Other signs are depersonalization and derealisai. That is the feeling as if there is outside the body, feeling the world is not real, the fear of losing control, fear of going mad, and scared that he's about to die.
The intensity of panic disorder can often occur. Once a week or even more frequently. Associated with a more specific situations, such as driving a car in a panic, men and women 0.7% 1%

      4 times of panic attacks in 4 weeks
    One attack followed another terror attack at least 1 month
    Panic attacks can be followed by agoraphobia. 80% of panic patients also suffer from other anxiety disorders.
    Often there is also a depression
    Often the cause is physiological, such as interference jaantung

Panic sufferers often feel that the illness is someone serious illness, causing excessive panic.

Anxiety Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder

Signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Management Anxiety Disorders such as chronic anxiety continued, including situations of life (worried about an accident, or worry about financial difficulties).

There are somatic complaints such as sweating, feeling hot, heart pounding, stomach uneasy, diarrhea, frequent urination, cold, clammy hands, dry mouth, throat, stuffiness, shortness of breath.

There was muscle disorders such as feeling tense or pain in certain muscles, especially the neck and shoulders, hold eyelids blinking, trembling, fatigue, unable to relax, easily startled, geisah, often yammer.

Worried about the danger, worried about losing control, fear will have a heart attack, anxiety will die.

Patients also often impatient, irritable, unable to sleep, not Dapa concentrate.

Causes of Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder
Psychoanalytic: the conflict between impulse and ego IDD unconscious. Sexual or aggressive impulses and the impulses that want to get out, but were prevented unconsciously, so that it becomes anxiety.
Theory of learning: classical conditioning of outside stimuli
Cognitive behavioral: focus control and powerlessness

Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder
Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder can use psychoanalytic therapy, similar to patients with phobias.

Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive

Obsession is a thought that many times disturbing and seemingly irrational and can not be controlled, thereby interfering with life.
Obsession can take the form of extreme skepticism, and not fapat suspension decision.
Usually the patient can not draw conclusions from the case.

Compulsion is an impulse that can not be denied, ritualistic behavior repeated over and over again.
Compulsions are often associated with cleanliness and order.

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder often feel what it's doing is a stranger.

There are five types of obsession:

    Obsessive doubts. Is thought that a task has not done well selasai (75% of patients)
      The mind of an obsessive mind the endless chain. Usually focus on the upcoming events (34% of patients)
      Obsessive impulses. The urge to perform an action (17% of patients)
    Obsessive fear. Anxiety to lose    control and doing something embarrassing (26% of patients)
      Obsessive shadow. Meerus shadow of something that continues to be seen (7% of patients)

There are two kinds of compulsion:

    Kompusif boost the force of a deed. For example, look at the door many times (61% of patients)
    Compulsion to control. Compulsions drive control (does not follow that impulse). Incest drive control by repeatedly counting to a certain count.

According to Rochman and Hodgson are two types of cleaning and checking compulsions.

The cause of obsession-compulsive
Psikoanalaitik: the anal fixation.
Adler: children develop competence is blocked so that the child becomes inferior. So unconsciously develop compulsive rituals to make the area that can be controlled and was able to make these people mastered how to master something.
Learning theory: konsisioning operand. Learned behavior, which boosted its consequences.

Therapy for patients with obsessive kompusif
Therapy with people with phobias and GAD, using psychoanalysis.

Anxiety Disorders: Post Traumatic Sters Disorder (PTSD)

Symptoms and diagnosis

    As a result of traumatic events atatu terrible disaster that level, for example rape, war, natural disasters, serious threat to a loved one, seeing others hurt or killed.
    Will result in not able to concentrate, remember, can not be relaxed, impulsive, easily startled, sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, numbness, fun things that are not attractive anymore,    frequent nightmares, sleep disturbances.
    The trauma of people, war, physical assault or abuse lasted longer than the trauma after a natural disaster.
    Symptoms worsen if faced with similar situations.
    Can occur in children and adults.
    Symptoms in children: a dream about monsters or changes in behavior, eg, a cheerful child suddenly became quiet.
    Family history of psychopathology in    play a role.

Treatments or therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Able through group therapy. This way people get suport from his friends.

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